Courts where the shall Officiate or by some one Justice of the
Provll Court such Surveyor or Surveyors shall forfeit one hun-
dred pounds Sterling to her Majty the one half whereof for the
Support of Government the other half to such pson who shall
informe or sue for the same to be recovered in any Court of
record within this province by accon of Debt bill plaint or in-
formation wherein no Essoyn protection or wager of Law to
be allowed.
This Act to Endure for and untill her Most Sacred Majtys
Pleasure shall further be declared in Councill thereon where
the Lord Baltemore may be heard.
Aprill the 14th 1707. Read and Assented to by the house
of Delegates. Signed p order W Taylard Cl h D.
Aprill the 14th 1707 Read and Assented to by her Majtys
honble Councill & Signed p order W Bladen Cl Councill.
Aprill the 15th 1707
On behalf of her Majty Queen Anne of England &ca I will
this be a Law Jo: Seymour
An Act to Impower Certain psons therein named to Assess
and apportion the publick levy of this province for this
present year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and