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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 107   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 107

Indorsed Read and assented to by the House of Delegates
Ordered the following Message be entered and sent up by
Major Nicholas Lowe

April 10th 1707

May it please Your Excellency.
In Regard that to morrow is Good Friday being a Day
particularly devoted to Almighty God by all Christians; but
in as much as this House being met upon the publick Affairs
of the Province and would make what Dispatch thereof they
could therefore desire to know whether the Honourable her
Majesty's Council will sit to morrow after the morning Duty
to Almighty God shall be over or not? for that this House
would willingly be in this Matter guided by their Honours
this House hoping that a Period may be put to this Session
on Saturday next.
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

He returns and says he delivered the same.
Ennalls brought in the following Bills
Bill for Relief of Debtors &ta
Bill restraining Masters of Ships from defacing Tobacco
Bill repealing the Act prohibiting Exportation of European
Commodities &ta
Indorsed. Read the first and second Time and do pass
Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl. Co.

Ennalls acquaints Mr Speaker that 'tis his Excellency's
Pleasure to hold Council to morrow in the Afternoon
Ingrossed Bill explaining doubtful Expressions in the Act
for Officers Fees
Ingrossed Bill for Naturalization of Holland &ta
Ingrossed Bill for recording several Wills &ta Sent up to the
Honourable Council for their Assent.
Kenelm Chesyldine Esqr enters the House and delivers
Mr Speaker Bill for killing Wolves and Crows. Read the
second Time and past for ingrossing. Sent up for ingrossing.

L. H. J.

Bill deciding a Difference between Colo
Holland and
Captain Smith Indorsed.
By the Council in Assembly April 10th 1707 Read in
Council but inasmuch as we have not the least Satisfaction to
the Bill we will not agree thereto.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

p. 132

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 107   View pdf image (33K)
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