8. An Act to make valid good and Effectual all manner of
Process and Proceedings from the year 1692 till this Time
9. An Act relating to the Standards of English Weights
and Measures
10. An Act imposing 9d p Gal on Rum Wine Spiritts and
Brandy from Pensilvania and its Territorys into this Province
11 An Act for limitation of Certain Actions for avoiding
Suits at Law
12. An Act for directing the manner of suing out Attach-
ments and limiting the Extent of them
13. An Act against Excessive usury
14. An Act for the Preservation of Several Harbours and
Landing Places within this Province
15. An Act for declaring the Grantees of Land lying with-
in the Indians Land may have any Action of trespass against
such Persons as Carry away Timber under pretence of having
bought the same of the Indians
16. An Act prohibiting Commissioners Sherriffs Clerks and
Deputy Sherrs to plead as Attorneys in the respective County
Courts where they bear office
17. An Act prohibiting Masters of Ships or other Persons
from transporting or Carrying away out of this Province any
Persons without passes
1 8. An Act confirming to the Governour the duty of 3d p
Ton on the Burthen of Ships and Vessels
19. An Act for the Advancement of natives and Residents
of this Province
20 An Act Enabling William Sweatnam of Talbot County
to sell Lands &c.
21. An Act Enabling Col Edward Dorsey to sell Lands
and Houses in Annapolis
22. An Act declaring the altering or scratching out the
mark of tobacco or altering the Quality after received Felony.
23. An Act for appointment of Constables and what re-
lates to their office
24. An Act for publication of all Laws of this Province
25. An Act for recording all Laws in the Secretry's office
26. An Act to stay Execution after 10th of May yearly
27. An Act for Amerciaments in the Provincial and County
28. An Act Confirming Tithes of Land given to Churche's
29. An Act for better Administn of Justice in the Court of
30 An Act imposing 3d p Gallon on Rum Wine &c.
Negroes and Irish Servants