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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 91   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 91

Charge of the Country you should propose to transcribe so
long a Journal of the Committee at this time a Day when the
Sessions is so near a Conclusion, Therefore propose it be as-
sented to as it now stands and as to the foregoing dispute this
Agreement will not be Conclusive but the matter may be more
Calmly and leisurely debated another Sessions
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council

Major Taylor & Mr Frisby bring from the house the Journal
of the Committee of Accounts with the following Message


By the House of Delegates October 3d 1704

Since your Honours will not Consent to what we have here
reasonably proposed as to Duplicates for the future we are
Discharged from that Proposal and are obliged to assert our
Priviledges to futurity. We cannot fill up the Bill without
your Honours Assent to the Journal of Accounts since you
have proposed it two ways and we now send it to the Intent
your Honours may Endorse what your Result is

Signed p order W Taylard Cl Del.

Which being read the mony and Tobo Allowances in the
said Journal of Accounts are assented to by the hon:ble Coun-
cil and sent to the House by Col Jenkins

Came Mr Elias King with three Engrossed Bills for appor-
tioning the publick Levy this present which was assented to
by the Council and sent by Col Hamond Mr Sanders, and Mr
Coursey Who are ordered to acquaint Mr Speaker and the
House that his Excy is ready to receive them and pass the
Bills agreed to this Sessions Came Mr Speaker and the
members of the House of Delegates and bring with them the
following Bills Engrossed and Assented to as well by the
House of Delegates as her Majesty's hon:ble Council.

1. An Act for quietting Possessions Enrolling Convey-
ances and securing the Estates of Purchasers

2. An Act for Settlement of an annual Revenue on her
Majesties Governour within this Province for the Time being

3. An Act appointing Court Days in each respective
County within this Province

4. An Act against Ingrossers and Regrators

5. An Act for publication of Marriages

6. An Act for killing of Wolves and Crows

7. An Act for ascertaining the Expences of the Council
and Delegates of Assembly Commissioners of the Provincial
and County Courts of this Province.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 91   View pdf image (33K)
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