620 Assembly Proceedings, April 2-19, 1706.
Lib. L. L.
An Act for Naturalization of John Baptist Tyler of Prince
Georges County, Planter.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by
and with the advice and consent of her Majesty's Governour
Council and Assembly of this Province and the Authority
of the same that John Baptist Tyler borne under the Do-
minions of the States Generall of the united Provinces now
resident in Prince Georges County in this Province shall
from henceforth be adjudged reputed and taken as one
of her Majesty's Naturall borne Subjects of this Province
and he is by force and virtue of this Act Adjudged to all
intents and purposes within this Province to Demand chal-
lenge ask have hold and Enjoy any Lands tenements and
hereditaments within the same to wch he might anywayes
be Entituled as if he was a free and naturall borne Subject
and also be Enabled to Prosecute mainetaine avow Justify
and Defend all manner of Actions suits pleas Plaints and
other Demands whatsoever or howsoever within the said
Province as liberally ffranckly, freely fully and Lawfully as
if he had been a Naturall borne Subject any Law Statute
usage or custome to the Contrary notwithstanding.
p. 233
Aprill the 13th 1706. Aprill the 16th 1706
Read and Assented to by the Her Majtys honble Councill have
house of Delegates read and assented hereto
Signed p ordr Signed p ordr
W Taylard Clk h D. W Bladen Cl Concil.
Aprill the 19th 1706.
On the behalf of her Sacred Majty Queen Anne &c. I
will this be a Law.
Jo Seymour
An Act for the dividing and regulating Severall Counties
on the easterne shore of this Province and Constituting a
County by the name of Queen Anns County within the
same Province.
Forasmuch as diverse the Inhabitants of Talbot Kent and
Cecill counties within this Province have by their Petitions to
this Present generall Assembly complained of the Irregular
Scituation of their Counties and the seats of Judicature within
the same to the great Illconveniencys of the suitors thereunto
for redress whereof for the future