Maryland ss;
Att a Session of Assembly Begun and held at the Town
and Port of Annapolis in the county of Ann Arundell on the
second day of Aprill in the fifth year of the Reigne of our
Sovereign Lady Queen Anne of England, Scotland, France
and Ireland Defender of the Faith &ca Annoq Dni 1706 —
his Excellency John Seymour Esqr being Governour were
Enacted the following Laws.
An Act Declareing An Act Entituled An Act Ascertaining
the bounds of Land to be in force
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by
and with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Governour
Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same That the Act of Assembly made att a Generall
Assembly begun and held att the Port of Annapolis the
twenty seaventh day of June in the year of our Lord One
thousand six hundred Ninety Nine and Every Clause matter
and thing therein contain'd is Hereby Declared to be and
Remain in full full force and Effect to all Intents Construc-
tions and Purposes whatsoever to the end of the next Ses-
sions of Assembly.
Aprill the 15th 1706
Read & Assented to by the house of Delegates
Signed p ordr W Taylard Clk h D.