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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 591   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 591

Notice be given to all Persons concerned to attend the House
at that Time to prosecute the Petition.
Pursuant to the Order of this House appeared Mrs Deborah
Ridgely to make her Objections against a Bill of George
Harris ; and the said Mrs Ridgely informed the House that
her Father will be here this Night who is assistant to her in
all her Affairs. Therefore prayed the same may be further
referred till the morning which was granted by the House and
she withdrew
Bill preventing the sin of Fornication. Indorsed.
Ordered Mr James Hay and Mr Peter Watts carry it up to
his Excellency and Council for their Concurrence. They re-
turn & say they delivered the Bill.
James Saunders Esqr from the Honble Council enters the
House & delivers Mr Speaker Bill for preventing the Sin of
Fornication. Indorsed April 11th 1706. By the Council in
Assembly Read the first Time.
W Bladen Cl. Co.

Mr Edward Blay, Mr Robert Skinner, Mr John Leach, & Mr
John Jones, Mr William Watts, and Mr Peter Watts, view the
work of rebuilding the Stadt House and make Report to the
House in what Condition the same is and if the Work be done
in workmanlike manner.
Bill for preventing the Sin of Fornication read the second
Time & do pass.
Brought into the House a Petition of the Roman Catho-
licks ; which was ordered to be entered as follows.

To the Honble the House of Assembly now sitting.
The humble Petition of the Roman Catholicks hereunto
subscribing on Behalf of themselves and the rest of the
Roman Catholicks of this Province, Sheweth
That upon Application heretofore made by the said Roman
Catholicks to this Honble House for Repeal of an Act entit-
uled an Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery in this
Province whereby the Toleration and Freedom of Conscience
allowed here since the first settling this Plantation was un-
fringed the House moved by a Christian Temper and out of
their commendable Inclination to Moderation suspended by
another Act the Execution of the former for Eighteen months
or until the Queen's Pleasure were further known. That the
said Eighteen months are now near expired and the Queen's
Pleasure not yet signified (being retarded as may be ration-
ably supposed) by her Majesty being at this Juncture intent
upon the Consideration and Settlement of more weighty
Affairs and Opportunities of hearing out of England offering

Lib. 41.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 591   View pdf image (33K)
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