tions cannot consent to the passing thereof. Therefore recom-
mended to the Committee of Laws to be made Seperate
W. Bladen Cl. Council
Which being read it is recommended as desired
Willian Coursey Esqr enters the House and delivers Mr
Speaker Mr Carroll's Memorial to his Excellency.
Read and referred for further Consideration.
Read the Petition of Mr William Bladen and ordered to be
entered as follows
To the Honble the General Assembly now sitting.
The humble Petition of William Bladen.
Most humbly complaining sheweth That when the Town
and Port of Annapolis was first laid out according to Act oi
Assembly Colo Edward Dorsey residing there and undertaker
of the publick Buildings took up two Lots next adjoining to
the publick Place where the Court House was designed to be
built But the said Dorsey failing in his Undertaking turned
a Brick Kilne and other Materials upon the Country as also a
forty Foot House built upon the said Lots which the Country
offered your Petitioner for 3000 lb of Tobacco and he agreed
to take the same but in the Afternoon Colo Herman agreeing
tu build llic Couit House for his Convenience and at his Rc-
quest your Petitioner released his Bargain with the House and
the said Colo Herman actually paid and allowed the Country
therefor 3000 ft). Tobo and having erected another small thereon
sold the same to Mr Gerrard Vansweringen deed for 10000 ft
Tobo who assigned the said Bargain to your Petitioner for the
very same Consideration of 10000 lb Tobacco and all this
before your Petitioner came to live in this Town And further
your Petitioner sheweth That the then Governor Colo Francis
Nicholson without any Privity of your Petitioner (who was so