570 Assembly Proceedings, April 2-19, 1706.
Lib. 41.
By the House of Delegates April 4th 1706.
Upon that Ptc of his Excy's Speech which does relate to the
great Evil which happens to the People of this Province by
Bills of Exchange protested for making some Provision for
Relief therein this House do pray they may be admitted to
confer with her Majesty's Council and that his Excy will be
pleased to appoint the psons Time and Place of meeting
accordingly. Signed p Order W. Taylard Cl. H. Del.
Sent up to his Excellency & Council by Mr James Hay &
Mr Joseph Gray.
They return & say they delivered their Message.
That Paragraph of his Excy's Speech relating to psons sent
on Expeditions or emergent Occasions being read & debated ;
it's resolved by the House That such psons as shall any ways
be employed by his Excellency the Governor shall be rewarded
for such Services as his Excy shall think fit ; the House think-
ing him a proper Judge of the Reward for such Services.
The Message by Esqr Saunders in the Morning relating to
Sr Thomas Lawrence's Petition about the Law for regulating
Ordinaries was read as followeth.
By his Excy the Governor & Council in Assembly
April 4th 1706.
His Ex'cy thinks fit to acquaint you that Sr Thomas Law-
rence has made his Complaint to her Majesty against the late
Law for regulating Ordinaries a Copy of which is herewith
sent you that you may assert your Reasons for that Law,
otherwise you cannot expect her Majesty's Royal Assent
thereto. Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Council.
Which being read is by the House recommended to the
Com. of Laws to enquire into the Complaint of the said
Sr Thomas and report to the House what is desired by that
The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight O'Clock.
Friday 5th April 1706
The House met again according to Adjournment.
Being called over were present as yesterday.
Read what was done yesterday.
Colo Thomas Ennalls from the Honble Council enters the
House & delivers Mr Speaker the following Message.