encourage Such psons to reside there Workmens Wages will
be considerably cheaper Ordinary Accomodations may well be
afforded at halfe the extravagant prices they are now Sold at.
This Cash will keepe the Sherriff out of your tobo Houses,
All Officers will be advantag'd thereby, And it will be a trusty
Stake for the Country upon any fatall Emergencye to have
such a Bancke to make use of which will not only be £4000
but really £7000 when a Violent Incursion of the Enemye
might perhaps over run all before the Generall Assemblye
could consider how to raise a Sume to answer the prsent Ex-
igencye, few being willing to fight even for their owne Coun-
trye much less our Servantsunlesswell incouraged that ispayed.
Colonel Thomas Smithson his Letter to his Exncy the Gov-
ernour, being read, giving an Account of his prsent Indispo-
sition and that he wasted himselfe to no purpose in the publiq
Service, having no Allowance proportionable to his Service
of attending the Provinciall Court, & desiring his Exncy to lay
his Case before the Generall Assemblye
Ordered that the said Letter be layd before the house of
Des & it is recomend if they think fitt to gratifye the said
Colonel Smithson.
The sd Lre and Recomendation sent by Colonel Ennalls.
p. 22
The Boarde being acquainted that there were twenty three
very good musquitts, now in ToWne to be sold fitt for the
Countrys Use. Do advise that they be purchased for the
Service of the Countrye they being as good & Cleane as any
Arms heretofore bought.
Ordered that George Plater Esqr her Ma'ys Receiver of the
District of Pattuxent take Care to buy and pay for the said
arms at twenty one Shill p musquett the risque of the Sea
being allready run.
Mr John Jones & Mr Grey bring up a Bill for the Naturali-
zation of John Baptista Tyler of Prince Georges County, wch
was read & pass'd wth amendment
They also brought up a Bill enabling certain Trustees to
sell Lands given to St Michaels Parish in Talbott County wch
was read & the Boarde are desirous to be satisfied whether
there be no legall Objections to be made by any person yet
unheard agt this Bill, and also to have a Sight of Jones's Will.
The afsd Bills with the Endorsemts & the following Mes-
sage Sent to the house by Col Ennalls & Mr Coursey.
p. 23