Ordered that the Papers relating to the Zarr of Muscovys
improving the Circasian tobo be sent to the House for their
Peru sail.
Colonel Hamond & Colonel Lloyd sent with .the said
Papers, the Petition of the Inhabitants of Annapolis & the
following Message viz'
By the Govr & Councill in Assembly Apll 4th 1706
His Exncy observing that what white Servts are or have been
for some years last past imported into this her Matys Province
are generally Irish Papists Who are induced to come hither
by the false 'tho Specious Pretences of the free Exercise of
their Superstitious Worship and having lands at the head
of the Bay settled on them on the Expiration of their tymes
of Servitude, so that many hundreds have been lately import-
ed, is pleased to aske the Advice of the Genll Assembly
whether on due Consideration thereof there are not apparent
Reasons her Matys loyal good Subjects here Should be Appre-
hensive of that growing evil & more especially seing this sort
of people are Seated in greate Numbers in Baltemore County
and at the head of the Bay frontiers of this Province most