Upon the reading whereof the Petrs are Answered that the
Genll Assembly now sitting have Advised his Exncy the Govr
not to Suffer any of the Shipping to go with the Strumbulo
mann of Warr but to Embargo them untill a Better Convoy
Arrives from England And what is ffarr more her Matys
Royall Instructions to his Exncy on this Point are so Sacred
that he does declare he will not Suffer any of the Shipps to
Sayle without a Sufficient Convoy which may Answer that
Came Mr Eliaz King Mr Phillips and Mr Hill with the
Journal of the Comittee of Accounts upon Reading whereof
it was remarqued that the Comittee have allowed Majr John
Freeman for Fire & Candle for the Councill four pounds of
which Article this Boarde desired to be better Satisfyed
having no Grounds to believe the same any ways Just or
Reasonable being sincible no such Charge had ever Occurd
since his Exncys arrivall
It is ffurther Remarqd that the Hon:ble Mr Tench Col. Addi-
son Mr Brooke Mr Cheseldyn and Mr Coursey are not allowed
for their Attendance in Councill this or the last Sessions of
Assembly neither is there allowed for the Great Seale as
usuall for the two Several Prorogations between Septr & De-
cember nor any thing for four Copys of the Laws then made
or Seals to the new Laws or the tenn pounds his Exncy paid
for the Apprehending of Benja Celie & fifty two shill paid to
George Slacomb to put a Stopp to the Members Coming to
the Assembly.