Imployed upon Extraordinary Occasions by his Exncy the Govr
in her Matys and the Governmts Service and that to leave them
to the Comittee of Accounts to make them Satisfaction for
their Services would be too precarious this house have given
particular directions to the Comittee of Accounts to take par-
ticular Care of such deserving psons & so to proportion the
Reward as it may in some degree Answer the Expectation of
such psons and this house is very sincible of the Great Care
of his Exncy and tender Reguard for the Good and Wellfare
of this Province and as they shall not do any thing detracting
from his Exncy So they will at all times be Ready to Make
good such Promises as his Exncy shall in the Absence of Assem-
blys think fitt to make to any Persons who serve her Maty or
this Governmt upon such Extraordinary Occasions
But as to the giving his Exncy the Trouble to Issue Ordrs to
the Treasurers this house are of oppinion that that part of the
Message is put too Genll & is altogether needless and they
will not Intend that Yor Honrs in your Wisdoms will Insist
Thereon. Signed p order W. Taylard Clk h D.
Capt Jones and Mr Taylor Bring ffrom the house the
following Message vizt.
By the House of Dellegates May 25th 1705
Upon Reading the Report of the Confference yesterday the
house proceeded to Debate the same,
As to Benja Celie this house are of Opinion that the said
Celie being now in the Mercy of the Queen there is no need of
An Act of Assembly to Transport him But leave him Intirely to
the Disposal of his Exncy the Govr to do with him as he thinks fitt
2 As to the Magazine Stores to be distributed (according
to the former Proposall) and what is left to be at his Exncys
Disposall without the Charge of a Guard this house Readily
Concurred therewith.
3 As to the Proposall Relating to the Rangers this house
are willing they be still kept out and proposed that six men
and an Officer be Ordered in Prince Georges County and the
like in Baltemore County.
And this house humbly proposes to his Exncy the Govr that
the Capt of the Rangers in Prince Georges County be Removed