or Mistress of such Servant or Slave such Satisfaction as any
Englishman ought to do in the Like Case.
9. That the said Emperour or his Indians shall not make
peace with her Matys Enemys neither Make any Warr without
the Consent of the Governour of this Province for the time
10. In Case the Emperour or any of his Indians shall
kill any other Indian in peace & Amity with her Majesty
and this Government it shall be Esteemed as Great an
Offence as killing an Englishman,
11. That in Case any Indian or Indians or other Nation
or Nations that Come within their dominions or Territorys
and shall by them or other Indians under them be Enter-
tained and shall kill any English, and shall kill or Destroy
any Hoggs Cattle or horses or shall break any Englishmans
house & Steal his or their goods that he the said Ashquash
shall be Responsible for the Same and also be Engaged to
deliver to the Governour of this province for the time being
Murderers and other Criminalls Offenders agt these Articles
of whom he shall at any time happen to have any Knowledge.
12. That the said Ashquash shall pay Yearly to the use
of her Majesty her heirs & Successors every Year on the
Twentieth day of Aprill to Col Thomas Ennalls four Indian
Arrows and two Bows to be delivered to his Exncy the
Governour of this Province for the time being as a Tribute
or Acknowledgment to her Maty and as a Token of the Con-
tinuance of this Peace
The like Articles were Signed & Sealed by his Exncy on
behalf of her Maty on the one part and Winnoughquarquo
King of the Babcoes and Ahatchwopps on behalf of his
Indians on the other; as also between his said Exncy & Robin
Indian on behalf of Wyranfconmickonous Queen of the Indian
River Indians on the other part.
Robin Chief of the Indians on the Indian River presents
to his Exnry the following Petition vizts
To his Exncy John Seymour Esqr Capt Genll & Govr in Chief
of the Province of Maryland.
The humble Petition of Robin Indian and Chief of the
Indians belonging to the Indian Towne at the head of the
Indian River in Somersett County together with the Rest of
the Indians thereto belonging,
Humbly Sheweth
That your Exncys humble Petitioners being the ancient In-
habitants of Somersett County afd and a quiett peaceable
People towards the English nation have Extremly Suffered