ii A Bill for suspending the Prosecution of Romish Priests &c.
And a Bill for William Bladen to rebuild the Court House
All which bills were Engrossed were read and Assented to
be her Matys honble Councill.
Mr King & Mr Hill bring up the Journall of the Comittee
of Accounts
Mr Grey and Mr Jones Bring up the Bill for dividing St Pauls
Parish in Prince Georges County,
And a Bill continuing the Land Law in force also four other
Reviving Bills Which were Read and sent to the house by
Colonel Holland and Mr Sanders
Colonel Beale being sent for came and was acquainted that
the House of Delegates desire his Exncy to call in the Rangers
He says it will be a great Dissatisfaction to the Inhabitants
on the Frontier of Potomeck and most of them on the North
side of the Branch will draw off unless they can be Supplyd
with some Amunition.
He is told that upon his sending for it His Exncy will order
a Qr Barrel of Powder and Ball proportionably.
Ordered that Col. Beale discharge the Rangers and take
Care to receive and Secure the Arms belonging to Calvert
County at his owne House untill Colonel Bigger can send for
The Board adjournd for an hour
Post Meridiem
The Councill Sate present as before.
Came Capt Wm Watts and Mr Peter Watts & brought the
Bills last sent to the House by Col Holland and Mr Sanders.
Which Bills being assented to by the House were also assented
to by this Boarde and sent againe to the House by Mr Tench
& Mr Coursey.
Then was the Journal of the Comittee of Accts read and
assented to & sent to the House by Mr Coursey
Col Smallwood and Ten other members bring up a Bill
imposing 6d p hhd on tobo for rebuilding the Court House
Which was not thought fitt to be agreed to by this Boarde but
return'd to the House by Mr Tench and Col Hamond
Major Greenberry with the Engrossed Bills for Sanctifying
the Lords Day and Dividing St Paul's Parish. Which were
assented to & Returned to the House
Major Greenberry again from the House to acquaint his
Excellency that they having nothing before them wait his
Excellency's Commands to attend him with the Bills of this
Col Holland and Mr Cheseldyne sent to tell them his Excell
Expects them