necessary affairs now to be laid before you. The late melan-
choly Accident might have been prevented, had my often
Admonition took place, for I never yet saw any publiq build-
ings left Solely to Providence but in Maryland. I hope this sad
experiment will awaken your Care for the time to come. And
in the Interim yr best consideration to secure the Laws and
records of yr Country, for the Advantage and quiett of ffuture
Generations. What is proper to be done in Rebuilding your
Statehouse so very necessary for the accomodation of the publiq
I Leave Intirely to your own Serious Debates and decision for
I have no other ayme than the true Interest and Service of
your Country; and shall be heartily sorry to find any here so
farr mistaken to Imagine in the Least It can be separate from
that of the Crown of England:
This opinion all men of Sence will be ashamed of since I
have given you the strictest Assurance of my Constant reso-
lution to Governe you whilst I have the honour to Comand
here with a most tender reguard to her Matys honour and
Service, useing my best endeavour to Advance the Prosperity,
and Reputation of this Province, I can never doubt but my
Integrity in your Service has been Sufficiently evident by some
tryalls since my Administration as you handsomly owned with
your thanks the last Session.
Therefore avoiding all heats & misconstructions ; I hope
you will with me and her Matys honble Councill most heartily
apply yrselves to the redressing the present Exigencys your
Country now lyes under, which will be most acceptable to her
Maty and very gratefull to myselfe for when you do truly well
for yourselves all men will aplaud your Judgement
Gent, the Account of Our Indians giving us a late dis-
turbance shall be laid before you which Realy requires your
Consideration, and I heartily Crave your advice and Assist-
ance in this Juncture, th' for the future, every member of the
Province may Enjoy the fruits of his Labour and Industry in
peace and Satisfaction.
Never let us be mistaken Gent, in each other but strive
Joyntly and heartily, to serve the Country the best & most
Judicious way we Cann and oppose whatever may be Imag-
ined prejudiciall to it, in any one Instance wtsoever.
The Board ajorned till to morrow morning at nine a Clock,
Wednesday December the 6th 1704.
The Councill in Assembly Sate Present
His Exncy the Governour
Thomas Tench Esqrs | Lt Coll Wm Holland
Thomas Brooke | James Sanders Esqr
Coll Edward Lloyd | Wm Coursey Esqr