up pay for or tendred or were ready to pay for any Lott or
Lotts of Land in any Town land laid out and allotted for Town
lands by the former Laws or any of them and of the same lott
made due entry and hath built and improved upon the same
and followed the Directions of the above mencond Laws they
the said person and persons so taking up entring building
upon and following the direcons of the said Laws their heires
and Assigns shall have hold and enjoy a good sure indefeaz-
able Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple of in and to every such
lott and lotts of Land so taken up and built on as aforesaid
(according to the said Laws and directions) to them and their
heires forever as fully freely and amply to all Intents and pur-
poses as if the said former laws were still in full force and had
never been repeald.
Provided allways that where any person or persons that
hath or have so taken up built and improved and hath not
paid the price sett upon the same that every such person is
hereby injoyn'd to pay the said value of the said lott to the
owner & Claimer of the land upon demand without fraud or
September 23d 1704 September 26th 1704
Read and Assented to by the Read and assented to by her
house of Dellegates Majestys honble Councill
W Taylard Clk h. D. W Bladen Cl Concil.
Maryland October 3d 1704
On behalf of her Maty &c I will this be a Law
Jo: Seymour