An Act for the taking Speciall bayle in the Severall Countys
of this Province upon Accons and Suites depending in her
Majestys Provincial Court.
For the Greater Ease and Benefitt of all persons inhabiting
or residing within this Province in taking recognizances of
Special bayle in all' Accons & Suites depending or to be
depending in her Majestys Provl Court of this Province.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majestys Governour
Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same that when Speciall Bayle is required in the Provin-
ciall Court by the Plaintiffs Attorny at the Calling over the
Appearance Doggett And that the Court does Rule that
Speciall bayle shall be given And the party against whom the
rule is that he shall give Speciall Bayle be present The party
Defendant shall then and there give Speciall bayle in open
Court and shall be deem'd to be in the Custody of the Sheriff
that arrested him in that Accon till he give Speciall bayle as
aforesaid But if the said party Defendant be not able at the
said provincial Court then and there to procure such Speciall
bayle yet the said party shall be and remain in the Custody of
the same Sheriff that arrested him and by him in Safe Custody
kept and guarded and Carried back into the County where
the Defendant was arrested and there in Safe Custody kept
till he can procure such Speciall bayle But if such party against
whom such Rule is made that Speciall Bayle shall be given
be not present at the said Provinciall Court then the Sheriff or
that County where the said party Defendant was arrested may
and shall by vertue of such rule aforesaid for Speciall bayle to
be given take the said party into his Custody again and him
keep till he can procure Speciall bayle according to rule oi
And for the greater Ease of Making and taking Recogniz-
ances of such Speciall bayle it shall and may be lawfull for one
of the Justices of the Provincial Court of this Province or
president of the County Court to take and receive all and
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
p. 132