Provided allways that nothing in this Act contain'd shall be
Construed Meant & intended to make any Inhabitant or House
Keeper lyable to any Damage which shall or may happen to
any Tobacco left with him to keep secure through any other
Casualty whatsoever.
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid that any person or persons
whatsoever Merchants or others within this province that have
at any time within twelve Months last past Received Markd
or Naild or for the future shall receive Mark or Nail any Hogs-
head or Hogsheads of Tobacco within this Province of any
person or persons Debtors within the same and which hath
been paid and delivered to them for Satisfaction of their said
Debts and Such merchants or others have upon receipt marking
and nailing such hogshead or hogsheads of Tobacco delivered
up their bills or other security to their respective Debtors of
their said Debts or if the said Merchants or others have given
releases or Discharges to their said Debtors of the said Debt
And that before the said Merchant or others could remove the
said Hogshead or Hogsheads of Tobacco from the said
Debtors Tobacco houses if any Sheriff shall Come and seize
such Tobacco so markd and naild as aforesaid that then and
in every such Case if the party refuse to make and give to the
said Creditors some other full Satisfaction for their said Debts
It shall and may be lawfull for any two of her Majestys Justices
of the respective Countys within this Province upon due proof
thereof made before them of the said Debt and Sheriffs seizure
.as aforesaid And the party Debtor refusing to make that full
Satisfaction to their Creditors for their said Debts at the said
Creditors request to award him Execution with Costs such
Costs not exceeding One hundred pounds of Tobacco against
the body goods and Chattells of Such Debtor to be executed
by the Sheriff for Satisfaction of the Creditors Just Debt and
Costs as aforesaid in as full and ample Manner as if the Debt
were recovered by due Course of Law.
September 26th 1704 September 26th 1704
Read and Assented to by Read and Assented to by her
the house of Delegates Majestys honb!e Councill.
W Taylard Cl h.D. W Bladen Cl. Concil.
Maryland October 3d 1704
On behalf of her Majesty &c I will this be a Law.
Jo : Seymour