There are others who bid defiance to all Magistracy and Laws
which I hope will awaken you to amend what is defective in
order to Suppress these unwarrantable Practices Scarce ever
heard of in civilized Countries for if your Laws already made
are of Force to curb these Disorders its a very great omission
they are not vigorously asserted to punish these and all other
known Vices by that Authority
Virtue and Religion are the true Ingredients to make any
Country flonrish as a due obedience to the Laws is the best
true Sign of honest good People, a character I would ever have
you preserve that all mankind may know and value your Con-
duct Joyning heartily with me in Endeavours & wishes you
may prosper many & many years
Gentn with all modesty I acquaint you nothing has made
me uneasy since my Arrival but the Illness of my House and
if you shall think I deserve no better Accommodation during
my abode in the Province I must acquiesce with your senti-
ments and Endeavour to be Contented being Resolved never
to ask for or expect what at any time you Judge unreasonable
I am very Confident there is no one here Present but be-
lieves there was an absolute necessity of Convening a new
Assembly and since her Majesties Council thought this a
proper Time to meet them I can never doubt but your De-
bates will be tempered with so discreet a Moderation and
Candour this will be no long but an happy Sessions that our
Enemies abroad may see we are unanimous and vigilant, our
Friends at home know we are heartily Loyall, and the good
people you represent thank you for your Loyalty to our Sovn
your Care of and ffidelity to your Country, with your un-
wearied Solicitudes and Endeavours to oppose all her Majes-
ties Enemies whatsoever, and those likewise who shall ever
pretend to disturb the peace welfare and Union of this Prov-
ince under any Specious Pretence whatsoever
The dispatch of the many great Affairs before you will be
a very generous ease to the Province and as true a Satisfac
tion to me being obvious to all considering psons what a
Detriment it is to every Gentn met here on this occasion to be
detained longer than the publick Service may reasonably re-
quire, and the charge of the Country I hope may not be an
improper Consideration too upon your debates within the
Compass your better Judgments may think necessary to bring
this Sessions to an honourable Conclusion
Which was well approved of by the Board
Then came Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr and Col Thomas
Ennalls who being appointed of her Majesty's honourable