An Act for laying an Imposition on Severall Commoditys ex-
ported out of this Province.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majestys Governour
Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same that from and after the publication hereof no person
or persons whatsoever inhabiting or residing within this Pro-
vince Shall export any ffurrs or Skinns within this Act here-
after mencond and express'd but what he she or they shall
pay unto her Sacred Majesty her heires and Successors to
be imploy'd towards the Maintaining of a ffree Schoole or
Schooles within this Province the severall dutys and imposts
hereafter following (that is to say) for every Bear Skinn Nine
pence sterling for Beaver four pence per Skinn for otter three
pence p Skin for wild Cats, foxes, Minks wethers and calves
Skins one penny half penny p Skin for musk rat four pence p
dozen for Raccoons three farthingsp Skin for Elk Skins twelve
pence p Item for Deer Skinns drest or undrest four pence
per Skinn for young bear and Cub Skinns two pence per
Skinn And that all non Residents from and after the publica-
tion hereof that Shall export out of this Province any ffurrs or
Skinns herein before mention'd and exprest Shall for every
Skinn or ffurr by him exported of what nature or quality
soever being comprized within this Act pay unto her Majesty
her heires and Successors for the use aforesaid double the
duty by this Act appointed to be paid by persons inhabiting
or residing within this Province as aforesaid The Same Severall
Impositions to be collected by the Severall and respective