vey'd over Susquehannah river aforesaid or any other part of
the bay above the North side of Sassafras River on the East-
ern Shore of the bay or over Potomack or Pocomoke rivers
into the Colony of Virginia not having passes so procured as
aforesaid or a Certificate from under the hands of two Jus-
tices of the Peace of the County where such person or per-
sons intending to travell shall inhabitt And the County Seale
affixed thereto Certifying the ffreedom of such persons And
that he she or they are Clear to the best of their knowledge
from any ingagements impeding their travelling as aforesaid
on penalty of answering all such debts or damages to Credi-
tors Masters or other Owners of Servants to be recovered as
by this Law is provided against such as shall actually sett
them out of this Province.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
Consent aforesaid that whatsoever person or persons shall
from henceforth intice transport or privately carry or send
away out of this Province any Apprentice hired or other Ser-
vants or Slaves belonging to any Inhabitant in this Province
shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay to the Imployer
or owner of such Apprentice hired or other Servants or
Slave treble damages and Costs to be adjudged by the Jus-
tices of each respective County Court or the Justices of the
Provincial Court for the time of such apprentices hired or
other Servants or Slaves unlawfully being transported or car-
ried away as aforesaid
September 21st 1704 September 21st 1704
Read and Assented to by Read and Assented to by her
the house of Delegates Majestys honble Councill
W Taylard Cl h.d W Bladen Cl Council