An Act prohibitting all Masters of Shipps or Vessells or any
other persons from transporting or conveying away any
person or persons out of this province without passes.
Be it enacted by the Queens most excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majestys Governour
Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same that from and after the publication hereof any per-
son or persons whatsoever intending to depart this Province
shall first give notice of his her or their intended departure
by setting up his her or their Names at the Secretarys Office
the full Space of three months that if in the time aforesaid no
person shall underwrite the said person or persons so setting
up his or their respective name or Names as aforesaid It shall
be then lawfull for the Governour Keeper of the great Seale
or Secretary of this Province for the time being to sign a pass
to any such person or persons to depart this province for
which the party shall pay to the person signing the same the
sume of two shill. and six pence sterl And if any person or
persons upon any Suddain or emergent occasions are necessi-
tated to depart this Province not having Sett up his her or
their Names at the Secretarys office aforesaid Then such Per-
son or Persons giving good and sufficient Security to the
Governo' Keeper of the great Seale or Secretary to discharge
and pay all Debts and Accounts whatsoever due and owing