216 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
highnesses most Illustrious persons soe wee shall neuer omitt
our earnest and dayly prayers for the Continuance of All these
and other his Mercys & blessings And that After A long And
Glorious reigne never to be forgotten in this World for your
unexampled pyety Noble Vertuous and Constant Adherence
& Supporte of and to the church As by the law Established
and Your Royall care and preservation of Your good And
loyall Subjects You may attaine Everlasting Ioy And fellicity
in the world to come
Which Address being read and Approovd of Was Signd by
Mr Speaker on behalfe of the house of Delegates. And
Signd by his Excy and Councill.
Orderd the following letter be entred Vizt
Annapolis 30th Sepf 1704
Wee haue nothing to add beyond what was Containd in the
Lre from last Assembly A coppy whereof you haue inclosed
only to desire Your care and Assistance in laying our Enclosd
Address before her Majesty And Using your utmost Efforts to
put a Stop to the designe, And what fees You Expend in the
necessary dispatch of the same shall be punctually paid by us
Wee are Streightned in time at prsent Wee recomend the
Contents of the Enclosed And that to your care and freindship
and subscribe.
Yor most faithfull humble Servants.
Signd on behalfe and by order of the house of Delegates
Wm Dent Speaker
Orderd the said Addresses and letter be forthwith sent to
Coll Blakiston our Agent in England.
And that Duplicates thereof be likewise prepared to follow
The honob Coll Iohn Hamond enters the house & Acquaints
Mr Speaker that his Excy was ready to receive him & the
whole house at the Councill Chamber in order the Conclude
this Session
Thereupon the house Adjournd to the Councill Chamber.
Where Mr Speaker deliverd to his Excy the following
Engrost bills Vizt
An Act for quieting possessions & enrolling Convey.
An Act for Setlement of An Annuall Revenue upon her
Majts Governour in this province.
An Act Appointing Court days in each respective County's
within this province.