Many more Wee Coud insert and What Wee here haue
humbly offerrd are most undoubted truths Which Wee Most
humbly hope Yor Sacred Majesty Will never prmitt to be
Experienced But that Your Majesty Will in Your princely
wisdome be pleasd to detect the contrivance and finally Stopp
the designe That without Any opportunity to plead for Our
owne & Your Majts Interest wee may not be given up to any
other Gouernment then such as Your Majesty has Allready
Establishd ouer us which will encourage the industrious reso-
lucons of us And our posterrity to approoue our Selvs in euery
Yor Majts Most faithfull most obedient & loyall Subjects.
Signd p the honob Councill and house of Delegates.
To the Queens most Excellent Maj'y
The humble Address of your Majts most dutifull & Loyall
Subjects the Gouernor Councill and Genll Assembly of Your
Majts province of Maryland.
Most Gracious Sovereigne.
Wee your Majts Most dutifull and loyall Subjects having A
deep sence of your Majts most benigne and Gratious protection
to us here as well as yor Constant and tender reguard of and
to the welfare of All your Majts Good Subjects in Genll cannot
thinke that our silence can be Suitable to the Warme influences
Wee feele of yor princely vertues & piety by and Under which
wee haue [uninterrupted And Compleat enjoyment of All
that can be neer or dear to us Our religion most illustriously
countenanced by your most Glorious Example and our
propertys supported And Secured by yor unerring wisdom &
Constant Iustice therefore since it has been observ'd in all Ages
that by the true piety and vertue of princes and rulers great
blessings haue been deriv'd downe to their people & Subjects
who are as wee haue the Greatest reason to Acknowledge our
Selves happy in such A case Wee humbly beg leaue to con-
gratulate the Glorious Successes of her Majts Victorious Arms
under the conduct of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough
Your majts most faithfull Subject and Generallissimo by Ex-
pressing our most Earnest Ioy that Allmighty God has touchd
Your Royall breast to make choice of so Valliant & Wise A
leader to Succeed the loss of his late Majesty of Ever Glorious
memory Not only to the lasting honour of Yor Majty And the
English nation but the defence and Supporte of all yor Allies
and Confederates Against the Comon Enemey Wherefore as
our duty oblidges and our gratitude lead us to returne our
most hearty thanks to Allmighty God for his Continuall
preservation & prosperrity of Yor most Sacred & his Royall