152 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
B. T Md.
Vol. 17.
Mr Henry Coursey Mr Wm Frisby and Mr Iohn Taylor
enters the house and say they deliverd to his Excy and Councill
the bills Sent by them on fryday last
Bill providing what shalbe evidence to prooue Foreigne and
other debts &ca. being read & debated
Jts orderd it be left for further consideration
Iohn Addison Iohn Hamond Francis Ienkins James Sanders
And Kenelm Cheseldyne Esqrs enters the house & delivers
the following Message.
By his Excy the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Septr 15th 1704
In Answer to the houses Message by Mr Greenfield and five
other members deliverd to his Excy the last night is Sent You
herewith A Coppy of her Most Sacred Majestys Royall in-
struccons to his Excy the Governour And Wee conceive that
the reason of the said Instruccon to his Excy the Governour is
Very obvious for that if her Majesty shalbe pleasd to disassent
to any perticuler law or laws the whole body of them may
not be thereby repealed as having but one Assent to the whole.
Signd p order W Bladen Cl Co.
The coppy of her Majts Royall instruccons to his Excy the
Governour that came with the aboue Message, You are to
transmitt Authentick coppys of All laws statutes and ordi-
nances that are now made and in force Which haue not Yet
been sent or which at Any time hereafter shalbe made or
Enacted within our province Each of them Seperately under
the publiq Seale unto us and our Commissioners for trade and
plantacons within three Moneths or by the first opportunity
After there being Enacted togeather with duplicates thereof
by the next Conveyance upon paine of our highest displeasure
And the forfeiture of that Yeares Sallary wherein you shall
at any time upon any pretence whatsoever omitt
Ino Seymour.
The peticon of Iosiah Wilson brought into the house and read
To the honoble house of Delegates
The humble peticon of losiah Wilson Sheriff of prince
Georges County.
That one Thomas Hart a Convict before the provinciall
Court was in September 1703 comitted into your peticoners