150 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
Upon wch termes the said Sam" Dorsey is willing the bill
Should pass and he withdraws. And the Bill read the 2d time
and doe pass.
The house Adjournes till 2 A Clock in the Afternoone.
Post Merediem.
The house met againe being calld over were All present as
in the morning.
The Comittee withdraws.
The house proceeds to read the following bills.
Comittees Sent for in.
Bill for Advancement of Natives etc.
Read 2d time with Amendmt proposd & do pass.
Bill for providing A Standard etc.
Read 2d time and do pass.
Bill prohibiting Commissioners &c. to plead as Attorneys.
Read the 2d time and pass.
Bill for publication of All Marriages
Read the 2d time and do pass.
The Comittee of laws enters and delivers the foil paper
Sepr 15th 1704
By the Comittee of laws
The proposall of last Sessions of making A law to Suppress
popish preists and others from perverting her Majestys Sub-
jects &ca And the house having found it A matter highly to
be considerd of referrd to this Comittee to make their reporte.
The Comittee doth humbly reporte that Wee haue perusd
the Acts of parliament made in the latter Yeares of Wm the
third of happy memory do find none of those to haue such
relation to this province as to be effectuall to prevent the evill
Mentioned. Signd p order Richard Dallam Cl
Which being read in the house and debated.
Jts Resolvd Nemine Contradicente that A bill be prepared
to remedy the Evill etc.
Resolvd that the preists of Rome be wholly prohibitted from
baptizing any And from perswasion and perverting any of her
Majesty's Subjects to the supsticon of the Church of Rome
Referrd for a bill to be prepared.
Bill for preservation of Harbours.
Read the 2d time Amended and passes with Amendmt.
Bill prohibiting All Masters of Shipps from Conveying out
of the province eta.