The Lower House. 117
the province and Its been an ease to the poorer sorte of peo-
ple by laying it upon the richer the Same being very Small
and the Sallary for Collecting Scarce Acceptable to any man,
And its utterly impracticable to be Accomptable to any other
person then has been us'd, Her Majts Govr being allways up-
on the place And Sees how its disposed of so that this house
cannot without Apparent prejudice to the Countrey make any
other Alteracon in the method of Accounting for it then what
has been made.
2 & 3d Articles relating to the Militia and false musters
was likewise read and debated in the house and Jts Resolved
that the present law Stand with some small Alteracon Vizt
that Xtian Negroe Slaves be not included in Musters.
The other Articles referrd to A further consideration
The house Adjourns till to morrow Morning Eight a Clock.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
Saturday Sepf 9th 1704
The house Againe mett according to Adjournmt being Calld
over All were present as Yesterday only Mr Thoms Greenfeild.
Read what was done Yesterday.
The house now proceed to debate the other Articles of her
Majts royall instructions. Vizt
4. That fitt Storehouses be setled through the province &ca
This Article has been fully Argued & debated.
Its resolvd the Country has noe need to be at such charge
there being Allready A Storehouse built in Annapolis for the
same purpose and provision made by law to Deliver the Arms
and Amunition to the Comanders of each respective Coty
whose Estates are lyable to answer for the same by the law
Allready made which wee thinke at prsent to be Sufficient
5. Article that a Genll Survey be made of the whole prov-
ince &ca was also read & debated.
Resolvd that the Complying with this Article is Altogeather
impossible the bounds of the province not being knowne till
the lines of the proprys be laid out And the whole province
is one entire landing place there being no rocks nor shelves
to hinder it
And the Erecting of fortifications is held impracticable be-
cause it cannot be able to answer the ends nor the Countrey
able to bear the burthen
6. Article that Stocks be provided and publiq work houses
built Read and debated.
The house Resolves that the greatest difficulty is in getting
people to work rather then finding work for people And that
the poore are Sufficiently provided for by law there being no