The Lower House. 113
that the said Mr Dallam is willing to part with it for the Coun-
treys service at the rate of 18d p Skinn which is agreed to by
the house.
The house make choice and doe appoint Coll Thomas
Smith Mr Iohn Hill and Mr Iames Phillips A Comittee for
Stating the publiq Accots
Wm Coursey Esqr from the honoble Councill enters the
house and delivers Mr Speaker the following Message Which
was read & orderd to be entred Vizt
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol 17.
By his Excy the Govr & Councill
Septr 8th 1704
The houses Message relating to the omission or mistake
of the Sherriff of Somersett County on the returne of the writt
of Election was reed at this board And the said Sherriff will
be cautiond of the like for the future.
Signd p ordr W Bladen Cl. Co.
The honob Thomas Tench Esqr Ino Addison Esqr Thomas
Brooke Esqr and Robert Smith Esqr from the honoble Coun-
cill enters the house and delivers Mr Speaker the following
Septr 8th 1704
By his Excy the Governr & Councill in Assembly.
Your house now being Setled and resolvd upon revising
the body of laws of this province Wee recomend unto your
Serious consideracon severall of her Majts Royall instruccons
layd before you the last Assembly Vizt
1. The raising of Supplys for defraying the publiq charge
on which occasion you are to take Especiall care that All
moneys to be leavyd be made lyable to be Accounted for to
her Majty in England & her Lord High trearer And that no
Imposicon on liquors continue less then one whole Year but
be indefinite without limittacon of time (Except for A tem-
porary end And which shall have its full Effect within A Cer-
taine time) That no laws be reenacted Except on Urgent oc-
casions but in no case more then once without her Majestys
Express Consent
2d That All planters and Christian servants be well & fitly
provided with Arms And that they be listed under good offi-
cers And When and as often as Shall be thought fitt Musterd
and trayned whereby they may be in A better readyness for