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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 520   View pdf image (33K)
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                 520 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1730.


             Lib. M.   an Act for the EstabliShmt of Religious Worship in this Prov

                 ince according to the Church of England and for the main

                 tenance of Ministers

                   And Whereas at a Sessions of Assembly begun and held

                 in Our said Province of Maryland the tenth Day of July and

                 ending the Eighth Day of August in the Fifteenth Year of

                 Our Dominion Over the said Province Annoq Domini 1729

                 An Act concerning the Parishes in St Marys and Charles

                 Counties Also an Act reviving and continuing an Act to

                 restrain the Ill Practices of Attorneys and to prevent their

                 taking Money Fees, and Ascertaining what Fees shall be Al

                 lowed to the Practitioners in the Law who shall attend the

                 Circuit Courts.

                   We on due Consideration had and taken of the said Acts

                 have thought fit to Dissent unto them And do hereby declare

                 the Aforesaid Acts to be Null Void and of no Effect.

                   Given under Our hand and Seal at London this Thirtieth

                 Day of January in the Fifteenth Year of Our Dominion An

                 noq Dni 1729                          C: B.


              p. 23    Additional Orders and Instructions Powers and Authoritys

                 to be Observed and Pursued By Our Beloved Brother the

                 Honourable Benedict Leonard Calvert Our Lieutenant Gov

                 ernour of Our Province of Maryland.

                   Given by Us at London this Thirtieth Day of January

                 Annoq Domini 1729



                 C:    Baltemore

                   You are not upon any Account whatsoever to pass or

                 Assent to any Act of Assembly for the Future by which the

                 present Provision that is made for the Clergy in a Act Enti

                 tuled an Act for the Establishment of Religious Worship may

                 be in any degree taken away altered or diminished.

                   As I understand there have been Several Acts of late past

                 for dividing and dismembring Parishes of the Province by

                 which the Incumbents have unjustly lost great part of their

                 Income, I think it necessary to give you positive Directions

                 not to pass any Act for the future by which any Parish may

                 be divided or any of the profits or provisions made for the

                 Clergy may be taken away or given to others during the Life

                 of the Incumbent for the time being without his consent.

                   And as I have been likewise Informed That private Acts

                 have been frequently pas't in the Province without notice to

                 or privity of the Persons concerned, You are for the future

                 not to Assent to any private Act whereby the particular prop


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 520   View pdf image (33K)
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