Volume 25, Page 500 View pdf image (33K) |
500 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1728.
Lib. M. persons therein Concerned may be brought to Condign Pun ishment, for such their Disturbance of the good Rule, Peace and Government, of this Province; And for the better Dis- covery of the Authors and Dispersers of the said papers, I do hereby (by the Advice aforesaid) Offer and Promise the Sume of Fifty Pounds Current Money to any person or per sons that shall make Discovery before some Magistrate of any Author or Authors, Disperser or Dispersers, of the Papers as Aforesaid, so that the said Offender or Oflenders, shall be Convicted thereof by Due Course of Law; And I do hereby Strictly Charge and Command the Severall Sheriffs of this Province to make this my Proclamation Imediatly publick in their respective Countys (in the Vsuall manner) that all per- sons may yeild Due Obedience hereto, as they will Answer the Contrary at their Perils. Given at the City of Annapolis this 26th Day of October, In the fourteenth year of his Lord- ships the Lord Proprietarys Dominion &c Annoq Dm. 1728 Which Isued to Ann Arrundell & Prince Georges Countys Accordingly
At a Council held at the House of his Excellency on the 31st of October Anno Dm: 1728
Was Present
His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Governour p. 3 Coll: Wm Holland Benja Tasker Esqr John Hall. Esqr Philip Lee Esqr Phil: Lloyd Esqr Nicholas Lowe Esqr Coll Richd Tilghman Charles Calvert Esqr Coll: Matthew T. Ward Members of his Lordships Honble Council Mr John Abington of Prince Georges County being sent for Appears at this Board and being shewn the Scandalous Sedi tious paper lately Dispersed in the said County Deciars he knows not the hand writeing but had before seen one of the same purport which he believed to be the handwriteing of Prat of the County Aforesaid and being Interrogated what he knows of the said paper makes the following Deposition Viz.
“On Wednesday last was Seven ight comeing from my “Store at Rock Creek I meet with John Allison about half a “Mile from the Ferry on Rock Creek side, I askt him what “news from Annapolis (understanding he came from Patuxent) “he told me he could not tell, but I might know if I would “Look on a Note he pin'd up at the Ferry Landing on a Tree
Volume 25, Page 500 View pdf image (33K) |
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