An Act for Speedy Tryall of Criminalls and Acertaineing
their Punishmts in the County Courts when prosecuted
Whereas many Acts of Assembly have been heretofore
made against theiveing and Stealing which at this present are
Experienced ineffectuall to Prevent the Committing those
Crimes nor sufficiently to punish them when committed. Be
it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Exct Majty by and
with the Advice and Consent of this Present Genll Assembly
and the Authority of the same that it shall and maybe lawfull
to and for the Severall Justices of the County Courts of this
to hold plea of Adjudge and in lawfull manner determine all
theiveing and Stealing of any goods or Chatties of what nature
or kind soever that are fitt for the necessary use Service or
Support of Mankind not being Above the Vallue of One
Thousand pounds of tobbo Robbery Burglary and house breake-
ing Excepted and every Person or psons legally Convicted of
any Such theiveing and Stealing (Except before Excepted) by
the Testimony of one or more Sufficient Evidence not being
the party Greived before any Such County Court as Afore-
said shall or may be caused to be punished by paying ffour
fold of the Vallue of the goods so theived and Stollen to the
party or partys greived thereby and by putting in the Pillory
and Whipping soe many Stripes as the Courte before whom