incorporated a body Pollitick If there be noe incumbent or
Minister inducted Instituted or Appointed but in every such
Parrish where there is such Minister or incumbent and who
shall be Legally invested with the said Duty of Forty p Poll
the same shalbe allways paid to the sd Minister or incumbent
by the Ordr of the Vestrye as the same shall Arrize and grow
due after such minister or incumbents Quallification as Afore-
said Each Sherriff deducting for his Sallary in Collecting the
same ffive pounds of tobbo p Hundred and noe more any
useage or custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding. And the
better to Execute the trust and Authority reposed in them
Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and
with the Advice and consent aforesaid that the Severall Ves-
trymen of the Severall Parrish's within this Province That
now are or hereafter shalbe chosen and Elected as they have
been soe they shalbe and Continue and are hereby Confirmed
and Constituted A Body Corporate and soe to remaine and
be by Succession in times to come to the uses and Purposes
following (that is to say) for the receiveing the sd fforty Pounds
of tobbo p Poll and the Applyeing and disposeing the same
as by this Act Ordained. And the said Vestrymen are hereby
Empowred and Enabled by the names of the Principall Ves-
tryman and his brethren Vestrymen of such Parrish to recover
take and receive into their Custody and Possession to be dis-
posed of in Pious uses for the bennefitt of the Church and
Parrish and lands tenements heriditaments or Any Estate in
any lands or Tenements of what nature or kind soever or any
manner of Goods Chatties Debts Creditts or other Prsonall
Estate of what nature or kind soever And by what manner
of way soever Given Granted bequeathed or bestowed
either by deed Guift Promise or Grant of the Donor or
Donors in life or by any last will and Testament or any other