Gent I am glad you have soe good an Impression of my
accons and I will allways bend them to yor Services and
ever esteem myselfe oblidged for all markes of respect you
shall thinke mee deserving of, tho yor reguard seems to be
retrenched to what they were when I was a Stranger to yon
but notwithstanding Gent I will allways vigourously assert
what I have soe often promised in being as good a Steward
for you as I cann which will consequently tend to the Sattis-
facion of the Province for it will allways be such to
Yor most oblidged faithfull Servt.
N. Blakiston
Mr Wm Bladen delivers to the house Some proposalls in
wrighting which was ordered to be entred as followeth
May 9th 1700
Proposed to the honoble the house of Dellegates
That if the house are desirous the body of Laws should
be printed soe that every person might easily have them in
their houses without being troubled to goe to the County
Court house to have recourse thereto
That the house made an Order for the printeing thereof and
that every County be Oblidged to take one faire Coppy en-
dorsed and Titled to be bound up handsomly and that for the
encouragement of the undertaker each County pay him there-
fore 2000lbs of Tobo upon delivery the said booke of Laws
That if the house are willing and desireous to have the
Prison built it will be undertaken as prescribed for Two hun-
dred and Sixty pound one payment to be made upon Raiseing
the wall Plate the other upon finishing
If the house have not leizure to contract for the building
thereof that they will be pleased to appoint two such as they
shall thinke fitt to make choice of
All which will be readily undertaken and with the blessing
of God Carefully accomplished by yor most humble Servant
to command
W Bladen