to the uttmost of my Power against all traiterous Conspiracies
and Attempts whatsoever which shall be made against her
pson Crown or Dignity And I will do my best Endeavour to
disclose and make known to her Majty and Successors all
Treasons and Traiterous Conspiracies which I shall know to
be against her or any of them and I do faithfully Promise to
the Uttmost of my power to Support Mainetaine and defend
the Limitation and Succession of The Crown against him
the said James and all other psons whatsoever as the same
is & stands limitted by an Act Entituled An Act declaring
the Rights and liberties of the Subject and Settling the Suc-
cession of The Crown to her Present Majesty and the heires
of her body being Protestants and as the Same by one other
Act Entituled An Act for the further limitation of the Crown
and better Securing the rights and Liberties of the Subject
is and stands Limitted after the decease of her Majesty and
for default of Issue of her Majesty to the Princess Sophia
Electoress & Dutchesse Dowager of Hannover and the heires