p. 48
I Thanke you on her Majestyes behalfe for your hearty
Endeavrs this present Sessions, and assure you I have not
the least reason to be Dissatisfyed with yor proceedings,
tho' I could haue wished this Sessions might haue con-
tinued soe long as to haue answered her Majestyes Royall
instructions But for that the Trade and Shippeing requires
you att your respectiue habitaons, I shall be att prsent
contented with the expectaon of seeing you againe some
few moneths hence, and now being advised by her Majestyes
honble Councill tht itt will be to the Satisfaction of the
inhabitants to haue a new Election this prsent Grail Assem-
bly, haueing continued for aboue three yeares, I doe Dis-
solve the same, and you are accordingly Dissolued
Soe ended this Sessions of Assembly
A True Copy Examined by the Originall brought into
the Secretarys Office at Annapolis
Thomas Laurence
p. 50
Minutes of Assembly from the 26th Aprill 1704, to the
3 May following, when they were Dissolved
referred to in Col. Seymours
Lre : of 23 May last
Recd Read the 9 Aug. 1704