The honble Edwd Loyd Esqr enters the house & Delivers
Mr Speaker the following message vizt
By his Excy the Governr & Councll in assembly
May the 2d 1704
The report from the conference this Day appointed ab' the
bill for regulateing ordinaryes &c. has been considered here
& debated, and thereupon its proposed that the act for legu-
lating ordinaryes pass in the very words now proposed onely
for & dureing the Terme of Eighteen Moneths from the End
of this Sessions, or to the End of the next Sessions of
Assembly which shall first happen, that you may not be under
any apprhension tht itt will be disposed off, otherwise than
what is meant or intended by this present Assembly
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Concii
Read and referred till morneing
The house adjournes till 7 a clock tomorrow morneing
Wednesday May 3d 1704
The house againe mett, being called were all present as
The message of last night by Coll Loyd was againe read
in the house and resolued the followeing message be sent his
Excy and Councill explaineing the Same vizt
By the house of Delegates May the 3d 1704
This house desires the honble her Majestyes Councill to ex-
plaine yor message of yesterday by the honble Coll Edward
Loyd in this pticular, whether yor honrs intend to haue the
words (if her Majestye shall think fitt) included in, or left out
of the said Bill
Signed p order W Taylard Cl house Del
Sent up to his Excy & Councill by Mr Richd Tilghman
He returnes and Sayes he delivered the message
The honble Edwd Loyd Esquire from the Councill enters the
house and Delivers mr Speaker the followeing message, En-
dorsed on the foregoeing Message, sent up by mr Tilghman
By the Councill in Assembly
Eodem die, The words (if her Majestye shall think fitt)
were intended to be included
W Bladen Cl Concii