The honble William Coursey Esqr from the Councill Enters
the house and Delivers Mr Speaker
Supplementary bill to the act for Sanctifyeing & Keeping
holy the Lords Day commonly called Sunday
Endorsed as followes
Read at the Councill board, and resolved the Law has
sufficiently provided therefore
W Bladen Cl Concil
Which being read in the house is ordered to be layed
And the bill to declare how the 40 p poll in the Parishes
where there's noe incumbent shall be disposed off
Endorsed eod Die
Read the 2d tyme for amendmts and Doe pass for En-
The committee of accounts bring with them into the house
theire Journall which was read by order
Assented to by the house of Delegates, & by mr Robert
Bradly sent up to his Excy and Councill for theire concurrence
It appears to the house that Susanna Mason Exx of Robert
Mason decd is indebted to the Publick the sume of 1.1. 1.s. 10d.
Therefore ordered George Muschamp Esqr & mr Wm Watts
be required to demand the same, the house haueing given thm
full power to receiue the Same, or recover itt, by due Course
of Law
Mr Robert Bradly returnes and Sayes he delivered the