His Excy acquaints the Gentn of the Councill that the Rea-
son of his now calling them is
That on Monday the 25th March last being upon the Roade
near South River in Company with his Exncy Colonel Francis
Nicholson His Maty's Lt & Govr Genll of the Colony of Vir-
ginia, he accidentally mett with Mr Samuel Chew Richard
Johns Samuel Galloway and Nehemiah Burkett who on the
Behalfe of the Quakers in this Province gave gim a certain
Order of his Maty in Councill which is as followeth
Att the Court of Kensington
the 30th Novemb 1699.
The Kings most Exllt Maty in Councill.
Whereas by powers granted under the Great Scale of Eng-
land to Colonel Francis Nicholson Capt Genll and Governor
in Chiefe of his Matys Province of Maryland in America dated
the 10th Day of Febry in the fifth year of his Matys Reigne, as
also to Colonel Nathaniel Blakiston Capt Genll Govr in chiefe
of the said Province dated the 19th Day of Octobrin the tenth
year of his Matys Reigne. The Governour Councill & Assem-
bly of that Province have been impowered to constitute and
ordayne Laws which are to be in force untill his Matys Pleas-
ure be signified to the Contrary, And forasmuch as in pur-
suance of the said Powers two Laws have past in the Genll As-
sembly of the said Province in the Year 1696 & 1699. The first
Entituled An Act for the Establishmt of the Protestant Reli-