A Supplementary bill to the act for Sanctyfyeing and
Keeping holy the Lords Day, commonly called Sunday
Read the first tyme & comitted for amendment
Bill to declare how the 40 p poll in the parishes, where
there is noe incumbent shall be Disposed off
Read the first tyme and doe pass
The house adjournes till tomorrow morneing 8 a Clock
Tuesday 2d May 1704
The house mett againe were called over, and prsent as
yesterday onely mr John Smith whoe had Liberty to goe
Supplementary bill to the act for Sanctifyeing & Keeping
holy the Lords Day commonly called Sunday
Read the 2d tyme and Doe pass
The Gent appointed to enquire of the Navall officers wt
Rufne was imported in Captaine Evans the Commodore
enter the house and report as followes
May Ist 1704
Captaine John Evans Commodore and Commander of her
Majestyes Ship Dreadnaught has not made Entry of any
Rufne or Negroes with me, or any other goods whatever
Geo. Platers
Mr Amos Garrett reported and payes Dutyes to me for fiue
barrels of Rume theme 38 Gallons Each
W Bladen Navll officer