By the Govr Councill and Assembly
Aprill 27th 1704
The Question putt to this board by a Member of itt whether
in accounts of admrs and Executors the Ten p cent that is
pmitted to be allowed for receiueing and paying is to be
understood to Extend to that parte of the Estate as shall be
found to remaine after just debts and charges, and remaineing
to the Children or next of blood whether itt shall be under-
stood to Extend to such part of the Estate as the Exrs or admrs
shall pay, & discharge of Debts and charges, soe that the
cleare Estate remaineing upon ballance to be divided amongst
the children or next of Kinn, may not be charged with that
allowance, and since yor house are the Properest Interpreters
of the Laws by you first Framed, therefore your opinion is de-
sired therein
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Councll
By the house of Delegates
Aprill 27th 1704
The aboue Question lyes before the house and they declare
theire sense, that it is in the judgemt of the Comry generall
for probat of wills &c. for the tyme being to allow Tenn p
Cent, or disallow of itt, as the meritt of the case Shall
require, Butt this house will farther consider thereof the next
Signed p order
W Taylard Clk house Dei
Ordered by the house that the Govrs Speech and answer
thereto be forthwith printed
The House adjournes till tomorrow morneing 8 a Clock
Friday 28th Aprill 1704
The house mett againe and prsent as yesterday The Case
of Pensilvania from Coll Evans, brought into the house, and
ordered to be entred
The State of the case relateing to the Difference depending
between the inhabitants of the Province of Maryland, and
the inhabitants of the County of Sussex formerly called
Workill, annexed to the Province of Pensilvania abt the land