P. R. O.
should haue been fitting, hereupon the act ascertaineing the
Laws of this Province has been repealed and thereby its con-
ceiued that not onely the new laws of the Sessions, but also
the former Laws soe far as they were altered in tht revision
and doe depend on this act are all sett aside, soe that the Old
laws, as they stood before that revision, and the passing of
the said act did thereupon revise
But whereas its probable that the Assembly in reviseing
the Laws as aforesd did make many alteraons, which may,
be usefull, and proper to be allowed, Its judged expedient
that the Same be now againe revised, and that such as haue
p. 17
been since repealed, but doe yett seem proper to be Enacted
anew Each of them singly, And a compleat collection thereof
sent over as formerly in large paper, that they may be sub-
mitted to her Majesties approbation or disapprobation.
And whereas itt will undoubtedly happen that in the col-
lection of Laws thus revised and reenacted, diverse ancient
Laws, will be repealed, Its thought necessary that a Separate
Coppy of all Such repealed acts, be transmitted att the same
time, that recourse may be had thereunto, as occasion shall
require, since without the sight of Such repealed acts, the
Comr for trade & Plantaons, will not be able to report theire
opinion upon the rest
By order of the Lords Comrs for Trade and Plantations
Whitehall July 21st 1703 Wm Popple
Which instructions and Explanatory observations there-
upon was read in the house, and resolved upon, as follows vizt
As to the first article relateing to the reviseing the Laws
this house conceiues itt to be a business of very great moment,
therefore resolved the same be referred till next Assembly
2d Article relateing to the Style in the Laws
Resolved itt be observed
3d Article relateing to fines and penaltyes read and the
house resolves to take care, in wording the Laws accordingly
4th article will be observed
5 Clause relateing to duty of 3d p hhd is answered by a
bill for that purpose
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12th Referred to the consideraon of the
next generall Assembly
13 & 14th does not concerne this house
15 & 1 6 Referred to next generall assembly
17 Read, and does not concerne this house
18 & 19th Article referred to the next Sessions of Assembly
Which being debated the house desires mr Speaker to
signifie the sense of the house therein, by a message to be
drawne up for that purpose