The petition of Arnoldus Livers for Naturalization was
read and granted and
Ordered that a bill will be prepared for that purpose
Bill to impower Nicholas Millburnes Executors to Sell Lands
for payment of his Debts, read the first Tyme, and doe pass.
Ordered Mr Lynes carry the said Bill to his Excy He
returnes and sayes he delivered the same
Moved by a Member that the Towne pasture of Annapolis
is overburthened with stocks of horses, cattle, and Hoggs
much to the prejudice of the publick, therefore desire the Law
may be better observed
Resolved a message be sent his Excy which follows
By the house of Delegates
the 27th of Aprill 1704 vizt
It is represented to this Assembly that the inhabitants of
this Port and towne doe overburthen the Pasture, with theire
owne private Stocks, to the prejudice of the Publick and that
it is not taken notice of, by the Towne Court, Wee therefore
pray tht yor Excy will order the Towne Justices of the Towne
Court to giue an account to this house how this injury crept
inn, and why it's tollerated, and that your Excy will please to
giue Directions, that the said Law be better obserued for the
future, and that the Publick may not any Longer Suffer
thereby. Signed p order
W Taylard Clk house Del
It being read in the house was sent up to his Excy by Mr
Thomas Frizby
The house adjournes till two of the clock in the afternoone.
Post Meridiem
the house againe mett according to adjournement, being
called over, all were present as in the morneing.
Bill for regulateing ordinaryes read the first tyme and do's
Thomas Tench and Thomas Brook esquire enter the house
and deliver mr Speaker the following message
Aprill the 27th 1704
Yours by Coll Harris and other members of your house I
haue recd with a due sense of your ready and hearty recogni-