Mr Robt Bradly & Mr Frisby from the house to Desire his
Excy if he has any Acts of parliament of the last Year of his
late Matys Raigne relating to the Succession of the crowne
that he would be pleas'd to lett their house have them To
which his Excy saith he has not any of those Acts of Parlia-
The Councill adjourn'd untill Eight of the clock to morrow
Fryday Aprill 28th 1704
The Councill in Assembly again Sate
Present as Yesterday.
Lt Col Smallwood & Mr Iohn Smith present Col Iacob
Lookerman Mr Hugh Eccleston Lt Col Smith & Mr Richard
Tilghman Members of the house of Delegates Who took &
subscribed the Oathes & Test required &c.
Came Mr Iohn Salter & Mr Iohn Smith who present from
the house to his Excy the Govr in Councill in Assembly
Aprill 28th 1704
By the house of Delegates.
Wee haue duely considered yor Excys Message to us by
the honble Thomas Tench and Thomas Brooke Esqrs & wee
are glad to see yor Excy soe candidly accept our respects wch
proceeded from a true Esteem, wee haue of yor worth and
Wee haue considered the Indian Treatyes laid before us
and haue nothing to advise to be added, but tht the same may
be renewed under the prsent Articles.
Wee haue carefully perused and Examined the Severall
Royall instructions of her Majestye to his Excy & sent us, and
in obedience to what his Excy requires of us to giue answers
in writeing to them, wee haue Endeavoured with our utmost
care to giue such as may become us, and be acceptable, &
since yor Excy and Councill haue concurred with us in Short-
ning this Sessions, as much as may be, and Entring on nothing,
but matters of prsent Emergency, and that many of these arti-
cles are of great weight and moment, wee hope itt will not be
taken, as Negligence in us, if wee desire severall of those
matters be referred to the consideraon of the next generall
Assembly, when yor Excy shall please to convene them and
wee the rather induced to this by reason of the thinn appear-
ance of the members of our house, neare a third part being
P. R. O.