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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 335   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 335

Mr Cheseldyns Excuse is Admitted tho' his Excy was pleas'd
to say he is heartily sorry he cannot have the prsent Advice
of two Such worthy Gentn as he is Inform'd Col. Addison &
Mr Cheseldyn have approved themselves.
His Excy was pleas'd to lay before the Board Mr John Evans
William penn Esq the Proprietor of Pensilvanias Deputed
Governours Letter of the 20th of April with the Case of
the Inhabitants of Sussex & Whorekills County's in that
Govrnmt about Lands they alledge to be there & for which
they are impleaded in this province praying that stopp may
be putt to such suites untill the Dividing Line be runn out
between the two proprietors the Lord Baltemore & Wm
Penn Esq.
Ordered the said Letter & case be laid before the house
of Delegates for their consideration, And for that this Dis-
pute lying undetermin'd so long is of very pernicious conse-
quence in that Justice is impeeded the Sheriff of Somrsett
County in this Province & of Sussex County in those Terri-
torys not knowing the limittsof their Bayliwicks so that many
persons Evade the Laws each of those laws being fearfull &
uncertain what to do on this Occasion It is proposed to the
house of Delegates to Advise the properest & Readiest
means to prevent that Inconveniency & prjudice that her
Matys peace may be prserved & her subjects holding Lands
under both the proprietors may know what to Trust to.
Sent to the house by Col Holland

P. R. O.

Came Mr William Harris & three other Members from the
house & delivered at the Board a bill for Recognizing her
prsent Maty & a bill for Settling a Revenue on her Matys Gov-
ernour wch said Bills were read the first time — The said Gentn
also brought from the house to his Excy as followeth vizt

By the house of Delegates
April 27th 1704.

May itt please your Excy
Wee haue read and deliberately considered of what your
Excellency was pleased to say to us att the opening of this
sessions, and wee are well Satisfied, tht you haue long and
faithfully serued the Crowne, like a true English gent, & tht
giues us the full Assurance tht you will continue to doe soe,
in being a good and Just Governour to us, and tht Every man
of honesty & good moralls will find itt
Wee haue taken care to haue the Laws touching Religion
and for discourageing immorality and Prophaness Examined,

p. 13

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 335   View pdf image (33K)
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