Att a Sessions of Assembly Begun and held att the Port
of Annapolis in the Province of Maryland on the twenty
Sixth day of October and in the Second year of the Reign
of her most Sacred Majesty Queen Anne of England &ca
Annoq Dini 1703.
Were Enacted These following Laws.
An Act for Reviveing Some Temporary Laws of this province.
Bee it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
with the Advice and Concent of this Present Generall Assem-
bly and the Authority of the same That one Act of Assembly
made at a Generall Assembly begun and held at the Port of
Annapolis the twenty Eighth day of June in the year of our
Lord Sixteen hundred ninety nine an Act for limitation of
Officers fees. One other Act made at the same Assembly
Entituled an Act for Sumoning Grand and Pettit Juries One
other Act made the Same Assembly Entituled An Act for
ordering and Regulating the Militia of this Province for the
better defence and Security thereof. One other act made the
same Assembly Entituled an Act for raising a Supply Towards
the defraying the Publick Charge of this Province and to
prevent too great a number of Irish Papists being Imported
into this Province. One other Act made att a Sessions of
Assembly begun and held at the Port of Annapolis Aprill the