Dorsey a reall Estate Equivalent to the Lott and houses which
his said son hath at Anapolis formerly in the occupation of
James Cullen at his propper Cost & Charge, and shall at his
propper Cost & Charge sufficiently new cover and repair the
said houses and at the same County Convey the said Houses
& Lott to his Maty for a publick store or Magazine then his
Fyne of two hundred pounds shall not be levyed, And the
Attorney Genll is hereby ordered to see such Conveyance
draw ne & dispatcht according to Law for which he shall be
satisfyed by the Publick
Otherwise the said Fine to be levyed
Signed p order W Taylard Cl house of Delegates
Eodem Die Assented to by the Councill in Assembly
W Bladen Cl Concil
The said Ordinances being Assented to were sent back to
the house with an Answer from his Exncy the Govr concerning
the Gratuity of 200 lb by Colonel Jowles Col: Addison Colo-
nel Courts Mr Brooke & Colonel Hamond viz
I am glad you seem to have so good an Impression of my
Actions, and I will allways bend them to your Service, & ever
esteeme my selfe obliged for all marks of respect You shall
thinke me deserving of,
tho your Reguards seem to be retrenched to what they were
when I was a Stranger to you; But notwithstanding Gentn I
will allways vigorously assert what I have so often promised
in being as good a Steward for you as I can which will conse-
quently tend to the Genll Satisfaction of the Province
Gentn Your most obliged
faithfull humble
N: Blakiston