Hutchinson and Mr Samll Young are appointed a Cofnittee
and accordingly withdrew for that Purpose
Mr Wm Harris Mr Elisha Hall and Mr John Salter are Ap-
pointed a Comittee of Election and privyleidges.
Severall Indentures for Dellegates being delivered they
repaire to the Comittee Chamber.
The Honob Thomas Brooke Esqre John Hamond and Ed-
ward Loyd Esq from the Honobl Councll enter the house and
Delivers Mr Speaker the following message with a proposed
address wch message follows vizt
By his Excy the Govr & Council in Assembly
June 25th 1702
Gent, Herewith is sent you an address proposed to be
prsented to her Majty from his Excellency the Govr and this
Genll Assembly upon her Accession to the Throne that you
may puse it, And According as you shall thinke fitt either to
add to or deminish as you shall see cause
Signed pr Order W Bladen Clk Concl
Which said Message and the propos'd Address was here
read and the same Orderd to be Delivered to the Gent ap-
pointed to draw the same for their Perusall
An Account of Mr Elias King due to him for cleansing of some
Countrey Armes was produced the house £. s. d.
wch was read and Examined and finde the 01 : 00: 00
Same to be due and Order'd he be pd
Mr Richard Tilghman A member for Talbott Coty Enters
the house
And it is ordered that Mr Wm Dent and Mr Wm Hutchins[on]
Attend him to his Excy and Councill to take the Oaths and
Signe the Test