St Maries Citty and County All Absent
And Severall members at this time wanting but being in
hopes most of them will be here this night
Therefore Resolved that the house proced upon business
Ordered that Mr Wm Dent and Mr John Hall attend his
Excy in Council to acquainte them this house is mett according
to prorogation and ready to wait their Comands
They returne and say they deliverd the message
The Honoble James Saunders and W Holland Esqre enters
the house and acquaints the Honoble Speaker that his Excy
in Council is ready to receive them And therefore comands
that the whole house attend him at the Councill Chamber
Upon which the house Adjourned to the Councill Chamber
where the Severall members tooke the Oathe of Allegiance
and Abhorrence and Signed the Test which being done his
Excy was pleased to make the following Speech vizt
I hope I need not make any appologie for this Meeting
for it is necessity and not choice has constraind me by the
death of our most Gracious King William whose Dissolucon
all his protestant Subjects has reason to Lament as that of a
Comon Father and the Champion of our Libertys and the
Ornament and Glory of our Countrey