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from hence forth : Adjudged reputed and Taken as Naturall
borne Subjects of this Province : and that they the said Her-
man Schee, Isaac Van Bibber, Mathias Van Bibber, Derrick
Collickman James Broord; James Broord, John Broord and
Solomon Broord his sonn and Sebastian Oley : by the Author-
ity of this present Genll Assembly are Enabled and Adjudged
to all intents and purposes. To demand Challenge Ask
have & enjoy all Lands & Tenements hereditaments; And
all other rights and priveledges as if they and every of them
had been Naturall borne Subjects of this Province And they
and every of them are hereby Enabled to prosecute maintaine
Justifye and Defend all manner of Accons: Suites: Pleas,
Plaints, and demands whatsoever as fully and Amply as if they
and every of them had been Naturall borne Subjects of this
Province: any former Impediment or Disability in them or any
of them: by reason of theire Parentage; to the Contrary in any
wise Notwthstanding Provided that this Act or any thing here-
in Conteyned shall not be construed or Taken to Enable or
Qualifye the abovesaid Persons to Enjoy or hole any place,
Office, calling, Imployment Prohibitted or not Tollerated by
the late Act of Parliament. Entituled an Act for preventing
fraudes and regulateing Abuses in the Plantacon Trade; or
any other Statute Law of Engl any thing herein Conteyned
To the Contrary Notwithstanding.
An Act Prohibitting the Abuses Committed by Wood Rangers.
For as much as drivers Complaints has been made to this
present Genll Assembly of abuses Comitted by such persons
as has Obtained Comissions from the Governeur to Range
the Woods and fforresty. After wild neat Cattle and horses;
And it is pray'd that it may be Enacted, And be it Enacted by
the Kings most Excellent Matye by and with Advise and con-
sent of this present Genll Assembly and the Authority of the
same: That it shall & may be lawfull for any person after the
last day of July next To make Applycation to the Governeur
for the time being: To grant a Commission or to Exercize or
use any Commission to range as aforesaid: Except such per
son produce a Certificate from under the hand of the Justices
of the County Courts where the sd person is to range: Setting
forth that he is of good fame: And be it further Enacted by